Veola Vonn covers her modesty as an artist's model
15 June 2015
Being an amateur artist I paid particular to the voluptuous actress Veola Vonn as (Arlette)who is posing and playing an artist's model.In the unfinished painting (where work has stopped because the light has gone), the artist has already painted a blue sheet covering her on the bed but Arlette is holding up a green sheet to her body.Also freeze framing the scene where she impulsively gets up from the bed in an attempt to slash the unfinished work, clearly shows she is wearing panties even though she is playing a nude model.Of course censorship took its' toll in 1954.My DVD came with the option of French sub-titles or just English dialogue but I would have appreciated French dialogue dubbed on the soundtrack.For example I like to put on Italian dialogue for my DVD of "Love is a Many Splendored Thing" for the Jennifer Jones/William Holden classic from 1955 as Jennifer sounds really sexy with her voice dubbed in this language.

The above user comments do not register when you input "La Phantome de la Rue Morgue" into the search box on IMDb.com only the English title which I found surprising as this is how my copy was sold to me.There are some entertaining scenes so I awarded this film 6/10.
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