A new Easter classic?
17 June 2015
I was a bit skeptic about the casting for the title role. Here we have Robert Loggia who has played a drug lord in "Scarface", Feech in "The Sopranos", Sallie in "Innocent Blood" and last but not least the Mr. Eddy/Dick Laurent in David Lynch's "Lost Highway". Can he really pull off the role of the second most important figure in Christianity? The answer is a resounding yes.

It's obvious that the production ran on a very low budget. You can count on one hand how many settings there are. However what it lacks in settings and special effects it makes up with acting and a solid script. Here we have Robert Loggia playing Peter in chains in Rome and the dungeon guard Martinius starts to converse with him about Jesus and his last days. Loggia gives a great performance as an old Peter ready to die, but still finding strength and joy in telling about his last days with Jesus. As mentioned before the production seems very low budget, there are no scenes where we see Jesus flogged, going through Via Dolorosa and get crucified and resurrected. So while it may have to do with a low budget, the fact is that Peter did not witness the flogging and crucifixion so from a historical point of view it seemed fine to leave out those scenes.

The title of the film really expresses who the film is about: the apostle Peter and his view, thoughts and feelings during the last days of Jesus and his teachings. A critique against it is that there are a couple of really unnecessary scenes where the Devil tries to tempt Peter in jail. Those should have been cut since they serve no purpose whatsoever. Thankfully, they are few and very short. I have to complain as well about the poorly made CGI shots of the city.

The acting from the supporting actors is done fantastic as well, especially Martinius and his wife. All in all this film is really about the message of Peter to the Romans. It's an interesting script with solid acting that really highlights and underlines the message -- not necessarily the content itself -- of Easter in the Christian tradition. I'd watch this film instead of "The Passion" anytime and I hope it picks up a following.
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