Wicked ways
19 June 2015
This is a low budget straight to DVD film that mixes up The Omen with Carrie.

Christian Slater whose career hit the skids somewhere in the mid 1990s (who remembers that once he was regarded as the new Jack Nicholson?) plays a weird priest who believes that his book reveals the existence of an anti Christ.

Vinnie Jones plays a detective who hails from England but now migrated to a small American town. He loves his daughter who is going out with a high school jock who meets a nasty death. She is also attracted to a childhood friend Robbie who has returned after an incident some years ago. His return sets off a bizarre chain of events.

This is just a low budget, derivative B movie. One of the leads, Jake Croker must be the oldest high school student in town. His hairline is receding. Apart from guessing which film it knocks off you can guess that there will be a twist in the ending.
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