A Deadly Adoption (2015 TV Movie)
21 June 2015
The fact that this movie has "comedy" listed as a genre says it all. This was not intended to be a comedy, but I found myself laughing out loud because it was so relentlessly bad. Will Ferrell's version of dramatic acting looked like he was trying to work out a math problem in his head. Even his face in the promotional picture here makes me roll my eyes. Kristen Wiig does an acceptable job with what she is given to work with, but the script dances the line between drama and camp and fails miserably at achieving either. I am not a movie snob, and will freely admit to enjoying a trashy made-for-TV movie now and again, but this story has been done before and done much better. If you are thinking of watching this out of morbid curiosity (as I did), save yourself some pain and watch a rerun of Law and Order instead. There is always one on.
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