Tomorrowland (2015)
Watch it with an open mind and heart.
22 June 2015
I don't what people expected of this movie. So many movies, these days, are meant to be action-filled blockbusters with lots of sound and fury and not much in the way of a meaningful story.

This film has its special effects and "Oh wow!" moments but it's not really about that at all. It's about hope. It's about hoping that the world we live in tomorrow will be much better than the world as it exists today. A world free of war, pestilence, personal and corporate greed and religious terrorism.

This is a film that tells us that if we wallow in our worries and imagine that the world will end, it will end purely because we believe it to be so. Millions of years of striving and invention will be snuffed out by hatred, war and environmental degradation.

The film's writer is also asking us to rekindle the hope and aspiration that was so common in the world not so long ago. I well-remember the first moon landing. I was a little kid of ten and I sat in our school library with all the other kids in my school and watched as Neil Armstrong proved we could, indeed, fly to other worlds. I marveled at that and the fact that all my teachers were in tears...not tears of sorrow but tears of hope and joy. Somehow, over the years that followed, we allowed hatred, greed and sheer stupidity to cloud those lofty aspirations. So the film's writer is telling us to stop and learn to look in wonder again.
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