Triassic Attack (2010 TV Movie)
Powerful Science Fiction and Epic Survival Film
22 June 2015
Actor Colin Ferguson proves he is a gifted director with this exciting science fiction adventure and what he accomplishes with a limited budget is extraordinary. The original and sharp script from screen writers Russ Friedman and Tripp Reid gives a brief nod to giant reptile movies of the past and proceeds to turn them all on their heads with wit and insight. When a Native American roadside attraction operator inadvertently awakens huge dinosaurs, they wreak havoc upon a small town and university in horrific fashion. Especially clever is Ferguson's choice to select an actor who looks like himself to play the sheriff and have him drive a Jeep much like the character Ferguson plays on the imaginative SyFy show Eureka. That actor is excellent and the entire cast brings a depth and humanity to their characters that's unusual in this kind of science fiction film. Superb special effects bring the ghostly dinosaurs to live remarkably and they prove to be quite frightening indeed. Certainly a superior entry in the Rampaging Dinosaur genre and a truly fantastic thrill ride.
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