An unfortunate script leads to a poor movie
22 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I'll start out by saying that this movie is not really worth watching. It's too bad because of all the great actors and actresses in it but it's just boring and doesn't provide any sort of joy. I'm not sure who wrote the movie but it appeared as though there was very little effort put into it. My kids didn't like it as well so I'm not really sure who the target audience is. Steve Carrell and Steve Buscemi are great actors but this just wasn't meant to be, they look out of place and are not very convincing that they are magicians. The only reason this movie was not an utter failure was because of Jim Carrey. Now this wasn't a Jim Carrey classic performance but it at least injected some comedy into a rather unfunny movie otherwise. I had high hopes seeing all the great actors in this movie but it was truly a dud, one that i will likely never watch again. 5/10.
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