Neo-Nazi Propaganda
23 June 2015
If you think I am joking, go and read some interviews with Dennis Wise, the creator of this nonsense. You'll discover that he believes 9/11 and JFK were inside jobs, and a number of other crazy conspiracy theories. Of course, that includes his belief that the Jews are to blame for most of the world's ills.

In short, he is yet another crazy anti-semite, neo-Nazi. The difference between him and most neo-Nazis is that he has managed to put the effort into splicing material with his own basic editing. Placing sad music over Hitler's face, and giving us a sob story, will not work, Dennis. Sorry.

It is true that Hitler was brave, intelligent, and a good speaker. But it is equally true that he was a hate-filled megalomaniac who led an evil war cult that resulted in the deaths of 50 million people (6 million or more of which were murdered in the chambers).

Still, at least he wasn't as bad as Merkel.
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