Almost perfection in film, bravo Quentin Tarantino!
23 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This movie sets the tone from the very first scene. You already get hooked and know this movie will be epic. Christoph Waltz was truly magnificent as the main nemesis, the Nazi general in charge of finding and capturing Jews. He deserves a lot of credit as his character is haunting, yet very intelligently played. Brad Pitt put on a real solid performance as a Jew from the Southern U.S who has rounded up an apache army to go to Germany and kill Nazi's. The lead female character (Melanie Laurent) did a fantastic job in this film, you can really feel the fear of being caught and the courage to avenge her family's deaths the entire film. Tarantino, who i have long been a fan, did it again with Inglorious Basterds. This movie is tough to stop watching after it gets going, it pulls you in and doesn't let go until the end. To avoid any confusion, this isn't really a war movie, there are some grisly scenes of war and violence but for the most part it is not anything like a WW2 film. Trust me, if you don't like war movies or violent movies and you think this movie is not for you, give this movie a try, the real gem of this movie is the tension that consistently builds.

9/10 Similar to Pulp Fiction, this movie was tremendously made, well written and pure entertainment. From the actors, the directors, writers, they all did a fantastic job setting a tone in this movie that is rare in cinema these days.
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