Indigenous (2014)
More idiot Americans in the jungle.
25 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
First 30 minutes is designed to bore you to death as 5 cretins bond and drink and surf. In the end you are supposed to care about them but I fast forwarded most of it so don't really know their backstory or remotely care.

One idiot sees on the internet a story of missing teens 70 mile from them and so the five load up along with a girl called Carmen with a very nice bottom and blindly set off to check it out.

Carmen disappears and there is a rustle in the jungle causing mass panic. It's not like the jungle would have creatures wandering around doing stuff so any noise must be something horrific..

They do some stupid stuff like running around screaming and in different directions instead of staying together. Then when it gets dark they all turn on their torches instead of saving some just in case. Then they get taken by some white mole thing from Descent and some die horribly.

Then some Spanish stuff happens I did not understand and a video of their predicament goes viral and we have a happy ending for some.

I may have missed something as I used the FFW button a lot. The acting was not awful but hardly good. It borrows a lot from better movies like Descent and The Cave but is ultimately a pile of rancid rubbish.

And it's funny as I thought The Descent was brilliant but thought this film utter codswallop. Save yourself 90 minutes and be warned it's that bad.
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