29 June 2015
I have been waiting for so long for this to be released in the UK. Although i am not what you'd call a huge fan i did find her a very interesting lady with a sad story that poured out in her music.

Believing this was going to be a following of Amy's life into music using real interviews and her music yet it couldn't be far from it. If it had been it would of been such a fantastic biography of her life that wouldn't need any fiction added to spice it up.

If the people behind this as well AND her father had spent their time trolling through all the interviews, news stories, rumours and so on instead of fighting over "rights" (although the true is more likely to be money!) they could of made this Fallen star shine once more.

It is full of lies, terrible acting and to be honest an insult to Amy's memory and to think her father would sooner have this as a memory of his daughter because of a few quid, Shameful
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