The Fugitive: Last Second of a Big Dream (1965)
Season 2, Episode 30
4/20/65 "Last Second of a Big Dream"
30 June 2015
The second season ends with an episode with two striking images in it. Gerard is again on Kimble's trail. A shot dissolves from him to an image of Kimble looking through iron bars. But he isn't looking out from a cell: he's looking into a cage at a tiger who "lives" there. He's working at a zoo co-owned by Laurence Naismith, whose pet this tiger is and Steve Forrest, whose only affection is for the bottom line. He tells Naismith they're going to have to sell his pet because they need the money. This produces an angry exchange. But then, when Forrest finds out who Kimble is, he has a better idea. He thinks of the boffo business the Biograph Theater in Chicago did after Dillinger was killed there. He imagines the crowds who would come see where Richard Kimble was captured. Forrest becomes another character who appears to befriend Kimble, offering to hide him because after years of being rousted as a carny worker, he hates the cops. He then knocks Kimble out and our hero wakes up in a cage- just like the tiger!

It's another example of an apparently helpful character with a hidden agenda that doesn't favor Kimble, a frequent device of the series' writers.

This was filmed in Jungleland in Thousand Oaks, California, the same location ROUTE 66 used for "Hell Is Empty: All the Devils are Here" three years earlier.
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