It will rank as the best film of the week
3 July 2015
A drama with an evident purpose, told in a masterly way and acted with all the dramatic fervor the capable company can command. It is one of those heart stories which have such a direct appeal that one cannot escape from its fascination, nor forget its impression. The downward course, suggested by its results, rather than told direct, the relenting of the grandfather and the final dramatic scene where father, son and grandson meet, the son to face recognition as the grandson is admitted to the University Club. Description conveys no adequate conception of the power and beauty of this unusually satisfactory picture. Not only is it an entertaining story; it is a powerful incentive to right living in that it illustrates too graphically to be mistaken the influence of evil associations. It will rank as the best film of the week, and one of the best for many weeks. - The Moving Picture World, July 2, 1910
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