Sundance Sucks
4 July 2015
Why does Sundance air this film on Independence Day....it is an anti-war movie? I'm a Vietnam veteran and know that Redford is a liberal a-hole. What war do Redford and Oliver Stone think was patriotic and necessary? Probably none; 'ich spreche Deutsch' and would, if we had not entered WWII. There were many 'goofs' in this film.....check them out, including Mickey Mantle hitting HR #491 at the wrong time. Actually, Hank Aaron was a much better player than Mantle, but Milwaukee was 'Bush League' in 1957 when they took the Yankees 4 games to 3.... according to the New York media, which felt that NYC was the only city that counted.

The acting was superior, probably the best of Tom Cruise's career, which is why I rate the film as a '7.' Oliver Stone had been wiser if he left the screenplay up to Ron Kovic, instead of meddling and taking credit as a co-screenwriter. Who knew more of Ron's experiences than himself?
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