Everything's wasted time again.
6 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The beautiful picture quality and semi decent humor based plot is marred by the twangy two note banjo music used to cover the fact that the sound in the film was trash. Because of this it suffers heavy over scoring the takes all mood away from the scenes and leaves you bored three minutes into the film. Some of the effects looked like they may have been really good but one could hardly tell for sure with the camera angles controlled by the fear that something might not go off exactly right with somethings happening just at the cameras edge. Acting is atrocious in parts, between lack luster sarcastic quips by the bullies and very two dimensional I am a stuck up snob facial expressions and tones of voice from all of the girls accept for the Meg character whose looks were spot on while her delivery lacked at times. The blue light special I'm having sex with the trashiest in girl in high school(Though clearly the actors were much older) in a sleeping bag scene reeked of too much thought involved for what it was while the performance of it was very much We had to get falling down drunk for 5 hours to shoot this one sex scene between a redneck goof and no talent actress with the body of a twelve year old boy making even the common place breast shots of slasher films fall flat, no pun intended, but it's funny that it fits. All in all the movie had potential that it simply fell short of in every way that would make it 90 minutes of watchable entertainment. Sadly I got suckered into it's sequel as well, told that the whole 3D thing was wonderful only to regret losing those hours of my life as well. When it comes to this series -Don't waste your time.
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