I've been working on the road gang
9 July 2015
The Laramie Kid follows the great tradition of titles having nothing to do with the story in B or even lower grade westerns. It's from a poverty row outfit called Reliance Pictures and the film has nothing to do with Laramie, Wyoming, nothing to do with any kids in the film and lead Tom Tyler is not named the Laramie Kid. When you see this, you know the film is a stinker.

What we do have here is Tom Tyler and Alberta Vaughn planning to get married and start a spread of their own as soon as Tom can convince his prospective father-in-law that he's a reliable sort and will take care of Vaughn in decent fashion.

His cause isn't helped by getting picked up by mistake for a bank robbery and being sentenced to a road gang. But our hero escapes and of course with a little help from Vaughn finds out the real story behind the bank robbery.

Al Ferguson plays the town banker who has designs on little Nell aka Vaughn. All he was missing was the handlebar mustache and he would have been a perfect Snidely Whiplash.

Right up to television these poverty row studios churned these horse operas out by the gazillions. The Laramie Kid is a typical product with scant attention paid to plot and dialog and direction is surely lacking.
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