Creep (I) (2014)
Not worth watching
15 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is simply a train wreck. I don't understand why they still make movies like this where there is a dumb person with a video camera who self shoots their own death after a series of repeated mistakes. It's very unrealistic and predictable at this point. It is made in the same mold as Blair Witch, V/H/S, Devils Pass etc. except in this one, there is one guy with a camera recording everything at a psychopath's house. The psychopath, Mark Duplass, who i think is much better suited for comedy was exactly as the title says: He was very creepy. The film relies on shock horror, lots of scenes where things jump out at you. The opening scene, a college aged guy who drives a crap yellow car shows up at a cabin near a lake supposedly because he was informed of a film job there. The first 25 or so minutes of the movie we find out that Duplass' character, Josef has cancer and needs to make a video for his unborn son (wife is pregnant) before he dies of cancer. The bath scene was particularly disturbing. Aaron, the video taper, sees soon that this guy is not right mentally but he goes on ahead anyways (like they always do). There were several times where Josef purposely ran off and scared Aaron when he tried to find him. Soon we find out that the whole thing was a lie, he doesn't have a wife and doesn't have cancer. Aaron ends up escaping creepy Josef's cabin and makes it back to his house where conveniently he starts to get stalked by the creep. After finally calling the police to report Josef, Aaron realizes that he knows nothing about the stalker except for his first name(The cabin turned out to be just a rental). Josef breaks into Aaron's house and drops off a DVD near Aaron's bed (while Aaron is sleeping of course) that is a video of Josef trying to apologize for his behavior. In the video, Josef begs Aaron to come meet him so they can talk about their situation. So, in the most predictable ending ever, Aaron the idiot goes and sits on a bench where they were supposed to meet. Josef proceeds to sneak up behind him wearing a mask and chop him in the head with an axe, the same axe from the opening scene.

3.5/10 I feel the same way about this movie as i do about most of the "found footage" films. They just don't work. Yeah, it's creepy and a few jump out of seat heart pounding scares but that's only because the main character was so dumb in the first place, this would never happen in real life and for me i like horror movies to be realistic so i can actually feel scared and can relate to it. This movie will appeal to a niche audience but is really terrible.
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