Total snorefest
17 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
A flying saucer becomes the source of major concern and widespread panic after it lands in the desolate wastelands of Alaska. CIA agent Mike Trent (stolidly played by Mikel Conrad, who also wrote, directed, and produced this clunker) investigates and runs afoul of a group of meddlesome Soviet spies. Sound fun and exciting? Well, it just ain't, thanks to Conrad's flat (non)direction, the painfully talky script, static cinematography, and a meandering narrative that plods along at an excruciatingly gradual pace. The acting ranges from mediocre (fetching Pat Garrison as perky love interest Vee Langley) to quite good (Denver Plye as treacherous traitor Turner, Roy Engel as scientist Dr. Cal Lewton, and Frank Darien as boisterous local drunk Matt Mitchell are probably the stand-outs here). Moreover, there's some decent last reel action, but by then it's way too little far too late to alleviate the overall tedium. Worst of all, the titular flying saucer proves to be a complete cheat at the very end. A real dull chore to endure.
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