In The Cold Light Of Day... This is still rubbish.
17 July 2015
Now I don't claim to be an expert in the field of catching a child killer, but I'm pretty sure that renting a house next to the road where you think he frequents, and then hiring a woman under false pretenses to be your housekeeper so her young daughter can be used to lure him out into the open, is pretty reprehensible behaviour.

And yet, we're supposed to SIDE with rogue detective Richard E Grant's character here, in his mad quest to capture the murderer. The policemen who try to stop him and possibly save this child's life are depicted as being in the wrong... And there's your first problem from the off. What kind of sick mind would say that Grant was justified in his illegal activities? Not me... So a story based on this dodgy premise is difficult to watch when you hate the so- called hero's guts.

Aside from that 'slight' misstep, the actual portrayal of the killer is laughable. He has this stuffed dog puppet you see, and uses it to tempt his victims out into the open... Where he slits their throats. The way he voices this cuddly pooch though, could only possibly appeal to babies. No kid old enough to walk would go along with this weirdo, who talks like a lobotomised Play School presenter. And yet, all these young girls he slaughters think it's a 'magic dog' he's holding, and follow him like lemmings walking off a cliff. I didn't buy it for a second.

His motives are never really explained... All we know about him is he's a doctor, and he holds tea parties with child dummies at his house. A wacko most definitely, but a bit more information about his background would be nice if we're to be convinced he's a psychopath. Anything would be better than the endless scenes of Grant sitting around taking down the registration plates of cars, or his just-a- little-bit forced relationship with love interest Lynsey Baxter, who of course forgives for him for lying and putting her child in mortal danger at the hands of a predator for weeks. As you do.

And if all THAT wasn't bad enough, the acting here can be summed up in one word... hamtastic. What do you mean it's not in the dictionary?! Well, one day it will be. And you have this film to thank for putting the inspiration in my head. Well done, The Cold Light Of Day. You might as well be eulogised for SOMETHING... 4/10
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