The Eve (I) (2015)
By no means the worst suspense movie I've seen (doesn't necessarily mean it's good)
18 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I very rarely write "spoiler reviews" because I generally won't read them myself. However, this movie would be very hard to review without some references to the plot. I will try and minimize the "spoilage".

I have a somewhat different point of view than many of the other reviewers. This movie was reasonably well-acted despite the hackneyed script and the weak dialogue. The actors didn't have much to work with so I think they did the best they could.

The movie is quite low-budget, suspense film "formulaic" with the old/stereotypical murder order. You will see what I mean as to who gets killed first and why. They vary it somewhat by combining three of the stereotypical kill elements into one person. Nonetheless, it's not the best way to foreshadow and build suspense.

It doesn't take long to figure out "whodunit" so it doesn't really qualify as a mystery "whodunit". There is also the now grossly clichéd stupid behavior by the characters. The film could have done without that but then it would have needed more creativity in the script. There is also the clichéd and stereotypical vehicle scene. That got old about 25 years ago and had me shaking my head.

The interactions between the characters were not formulaic because no sentient individuals behave like that (unless they are Bonobos). Or, maybe, I'm getting old and that is the expected behavior now. I'm not talking about sex or drugs, that's normal and expected human behavior. Rather it's how the characters get involved and deal with things.

I was gratified to see a woman go for a weapon as soon as it could be obtained. Unlike the old stereotype, you don't have to wait until the end of the movie to see it. With Hollywood sooo politically correct, I'm surprised self-defense was allowed. That added one star to my original two star rating. Though it almost lost it again because of a character's use of a fireplace we've never seen that before!

Anyway, the movie was about average-B-grade in cinematography, production values and scene set-up. Again, I've seen much worse (and far, far better).

This movie would be good to watch if you are young, with friends, no raves available and it's free or on a monthly-fee streaming service. It's good for a laugh or two (not deliberately) and it's a good lesson in script stupidity. Don't see this if you are in the mood for a real mystery, thriller, suspense or horror film. It is none of those. I read a reference to "Hitchcock" by a reviewer. Trust me, it is NOTHING like a Hitchcock film!

Good Luck! Regards, Other View

This an update to my original review. After it was posted and positioned on the of reviews, shortlytherafter, another ridiculously positive review was added to move mine and make the reader who only reads a few reviews think this was an excellent movie. If you are a regular IMDb user you know that garbage, low budget films get friends, family and staff to write gushing reviews for the movie so the casual review readers will buy it.

Common signs of a shill review frequently name the entire cast like they are friends (they often are). Another sign is 9 or 10 stars on an obvious "B" movie with B-movie stars and B- directors. If you check carefully you can often find shill review before or on the day of release. Further checking and you will frequently see the shill reviewer has written very few reviews (usually one). The final clue is the use of superlatives to describe the movie "fantastic" "brilliant" "a gem" etc. etc. ad nauseum.

Don't buy into the fake shill reviews. It's best if you start at the latest review and then Read on to earliest. Shill reviews REALLY annoy me but they are a fact of life here with crap movies. The shill reviews for this movie are very obvious and contain numerous " fibs" and are trying to either pimp you out of your time, money or to gain "brownie points" to be thought of well by their industry. In any case they are dishonest and make a mess out of IMDb's review process. They are completely selfish, proof that the movie is poor.

BTW, the shills work together in giving themselves likes and dislikes to honest reviewers. Like no one will notice. I hope that these deceivers NEVER get a or job in the industry and get spotted every time they write a review. If I was director, I'd be mortified by these people's disingenuous natures.

If possible I'm reducing the movies' star count to 1 (one) a and will do soEVERYTIME I find more than one shill review. I made a mistake here giving 3 stars that I will try and fix. I repeat, whatever you do Don't pay anything to watch this movie! Best regards, Other view!
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