VANish (2015)
A bunch of fake reviews for this movie it seems
18 July 2015
No one can honestly accuse this of being a good movie, let alone a 10 star worthy movie which some people have reviewed and rated it on here

Fair enough people's tastes vary, and I enjoy a lot of movies that aren't liked by the masses but seriously

This is a poorly constructed movie with Danny Trejo's face all over the poster and with top-billing, for what? 2 scenes which he could have done in his sleep, and I wouldn't be surprised if he was indeed asleep when filming this movie and was merely sleep-acting

And technically it wasn't 2 scenes, 1 of the scenes he was speaking on the phone and you only heard his voice, so it's really just one scene, I guess it was meant as a surprise cameo or something but the filmmakers were desperate to get people to see the movie so they put him on the poster regardless

Tony Todd has got 1 scene as well, even shorter but at least he's not on the poster

A first time director and it shows, most of the budget went to get Danny Trejo and Tony Todd in it I'm sure

I don't have much more to say about it because I don't really remember it much, it's a highly forgettable movie best left on the shelves
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