Funny As S**t!.........
17 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I got out my DVD and watched this again last night, and was LMFAO!! I've seen this several times over the years, and this is one of those little comedies that didn't get much exposure when it first came out ('06 I think??) probably somewhat in part due to it's similar title to a blockbuster that came out close to the same time-?? ("Live Free or Die Hard").

What originally drew me to the DVD cover in the video store was seeing the writers of TV's "Seinfeld" involved, granted two of the writers that were only involved with so many episodes of the show- but I can still see that similar sense of humor with this film.

Aaron Stanford is great in the lead as this bad-ass gangsta-wannabe, as well as the rest of the supporting class, no less than Zooey Deschanel, Paul Schneider (hilarious!-even if he does kinda make fun of "slow people"-??), Kevin Dunn, Judah Friedlander, Clark Middleton (who has a very interesting look to him- like his head is just way too disproportionately large for his body-??) and Michael Rappaport. This is just one of those little movies with a particular brand of humor you have to get. I've seen some user comments describing it as "boring", or maybe "some parts are funny", but one does have to possess that "acquired taste of humor" to enjoy the whole thing really..
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