Sharknado 3: Oh Hell No! (2015 TV Movie)
It's becoming too self aware of its own legacy.....
25 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Sharknado. You don't need a concept, script, story, or even an explanation to sell a film with a name like that. Like Snakes On A Plane, the title explains it all, the title sells the film.

The first movie was a bit of stupid fun to be had with friends while under the influence of something, and that's what the films intentions were. Then it became some sort of strange phenomenon, so the second was made, and the references became more frequent, and the cameos more elaborate, and in the narrative of Happy Days,my hey jumped the shark with the franchise.

With the third instalment, they throw everything at the screen, and see what will stuck, but while watching this nonsense, however entertaining the film is for all the wrong reasons, you know they are really desperate to go one better, which ruins a lot of the fun that the original had.

Story wise, there's just another Sharknado happening, and the bloke from 90210 has to save an even more haggard looking Tara Reid and their daughter from the Jaws (ahem) of death. And along the way, there are cameos galore, from wrestlers, to Jackie Collins, to Lou Ferrigno, to even bloomin' JedWard, and it's just same old same old for the film.

But then, David Hasselhoff turns up, and it ends in space...........that's right, space.

And it doesn't know what to do, the laughs become non-existent, laser chainsaws are introduced, and it all ends with Tara Reid giving birth whilst inside a shark, but the baby coming out of the shark.

You just read that right.

It sounds bonkers it should have been a wonderful, stupidly bonkers experience, but it's really spluttering with its effort, and while there are some flashes of genius, it's become too self aware to be as enjoyable as it once was.

But hey oh, the fourth one is being made, so they may step up a little bit.

Doubt it though.
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