Pretty Good...
25 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was certainly interesting. Can't say I've seen anything like it. It will make you think and it has a few moments that are a little frightening. I really didn't have any expectations for this film other than knowing that Pacino and Keanu Reeves were in it and It had an intriguing title. The plot is basically a lawyer, Kevin Lomax (Reeves) who moves to NYC and starts working cases for a new boss, John Milton (Pacino). You can tell early on that there is something different about his boss, he acts very corrupt. Later we find out that he is the devil. Reeves is working on a case where he has to defend a child molester and bad things start happening. His wife, Mary Ann who was played by Charlize Theron, starts to lose her grip on reality. She starts seeing things that aren't there. Towards the end of the movie, she kills herself in a mental institution. Theron was probably the best actor in this movie, i thought that Pacino and Reeves were just okay, I didn't come away thinking that they excelled in their roles. The movie has a few twists and turns that i didn't expect. Late in the film, we find out that most of the movie was a bad dream showing Reeves what would happen if he followed through in defending the molester. So, the ending is Reeves deciding to not defend his client and instead go with his conscious. The only issue is that the media is all over him for making such a decision. Pacino goes on to say that vanity is his favorite sin.

7.5/10 The score in this was fantastic, it gives off a very eerie vibe. The acting was just okay for the most part and the story was crazy. It all makes sense in the end but for a while it just seems to be chaos. Overall, it's a solid film that is complicated to understand the first viewing. I like the idea in this film, it could have been even better. Not really a classic in my opinion.
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