Altered Minds (2013)
A mystery that would make Hitchcock proud
29 July 2015
I am a sucker when it comes to psychological thrillers. I'm also the world's harshest critic when it comes to stories about characters having mental breakdowns so I went into this expecting to see the typical "insanity" clichés. Fortunately, this had none of them. The best thing to say about this film is it's always a few steps ahead of you. Even when you think you have a handle on what's happening, you don't. It straddled the family drama and psychological thriller genre very well, blending elements of both without letting down in either category. In some ways, the mood and tone resembled The Shining and The Sixth Sense....films rich in atmosphere and dread.

This is also the kind of film that bears repeat viewings to see how all the clues layered throughout pay off in the climax.
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