In a single word -- EXTRAORDINARY
31 July 2015
No sir, I did not read the book first but in some circles of criticism that is not a detriment to the work of the writer, but rather an aid. That is, the work is seen with fresh eyes.

I ask you sir in the history of TV how many attempts have been made to tell a suspenseful tale, a tale that mixes the normal and the abnormal, the seen and the unseen, in just the right proportions to thrill and enthral the viewer? The answer, starting perhaps with Twilight Zone and jumping to the several series still in production even now, in 2015, is hundreds, possibly thousands.

Yet as many as they are, they all have a common goal, to keep the viewer interested, entertained, un-nerved and offguard at all times.

I watch a lot of TV -- friends say too much -- but this gem is in a class by itself. I never knew what was coming next but I was having much too much fun to care.

One of the best of the best in its class.

If all TV was this good, there would be no need for talk shows to discuss what people had recently SEEN because the time would be better spent actually WATCHING it.
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