South Beach (2015)
The "PIXELS" of the Miami music scene
29 July 2015
This is beyond bad.

Everyone associated with this should be ashamed of themselves.

There's something to be said about product that is unintentionally camp (see: The Valley Of The Dolls) which can grow a significant fan base -- but then there's the yin to that yang -- and that's the category where this show clearly falls into. I don't quite know where EMPIRE sits on that scale; I have a sneaking suspicion the people responsible for that show actually *think* it's quality programming. At least the acting and the technical specs on EMPIRE have a sense of well being. This show is a complete mess. Was this a web series that people watch and responded to in a capacity where the powers that be felt it should be something put on a streaming service other than crapfest.TV? (that's not a real streaming site, I am just trying to prove a point)

The direction, the writing and the acting is all (for the most part) atrocious. Hopefully this won't take up too much bandwidth in the hulu stratosphere.

note: Maybe I am completely wrong and this will grow into a cult phenomenon -- but I would' t bet on it.
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