Review of Alice Adams

Alice Adams (1935)
Well-done but unpleasant
8 August 2015
Drama in which Katharine Hepburn plays a poor young woman who dreams of bigger and better things--but she's stuck with a pushy mother, an ill father and an obnoxious brother. At a dance a young rich man (Fred MacMurray!) meets and falls for her. She falls for him too but his family would never accept her and she can't get over the feeling that she's not good enough for him.

Well-done if incredibly dated drama. It's a very early Hepburn role and she's magnificent in it. She was justly nominated for an Academy Award for this (Bette Davis won for "Dangerous"). MacMurray is good too and it's fun to see both of them so young and full of life. The main problem though is Hepburn. She's TOO good for her role. You see her struggling to get ahead and it's heart-breaking. The dinner party sequence at the end is particularly hard to sit through. Also Hattie McDaniel plays a maid and is treated horribly but that is (sadly) a sign of its time. It also has a bunch of happy endings that I didn't buy for one second. Still this is well worth seeing.
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