Just Not Good.
9 August 2015
I was hoping for a lot more from this, but the directing style is just not good at all. It starts off like an actual documentary, but then goes into a cinematic narrative, but then also switches back to interviews done documentary-style, and then narrative, and then cinematic theatrical recreations and special effects and sometimes there is nothing going on but still images of weird creepy stuff with loud noises.

This style was just not pleasant to watch. The director needs to pick a theme and stick to it, it's almost like he made 3 different movies in one and the result is just not good. I enjoy bad horror movies, I enjoy crappy documentaries, and I enjoy really nouveau-art type horror where its mainly creepy images and strange music and very little else, but all 3 combined just did not work for me. I kept getting into the documentary part, and then it would switch and I'd be like, darn I was enjoying that. Then they would have a really artistic visual/musical scene, and I'd get into it, and then it would suddenly end and the boring narrative would return.

The movie itself is total garbage, there's little to back it up, and the 3 eyewitness interviewees seem to provide no evidence of any sort. I guess the main old guy they are interviewing is actually an author who wrote stories about this Montauk Project claiming truth, but at the time his books were heralded as fiction, and of course there is no one else coming forward saying any of it is true except for another old guy who seemed senile, and some young guy who claimed to be a psychic genius of some sort who survived all these crazy experiments involving aliens, time travel, psychic warfare, and conjuring monsters into existence with their brains (but if that's the case why isn't he solving the mysteries of the universe and instead just being a regular, depressed looking guy. No really though, I think the other 2 interviewees were probably just fans of the book series and probably senile themselves).

At one point, one of the old, senile men claims there were projects like this going on in every major city in the USA, and that probably a hundred thousand people died from this experiment. That's pretty far-fetched, since only 3 guys seem to remember it. And I'm still not clear what exactly they were experimenting on- seems like they said every sort of conspiracy was going on.

I mean, let's just pick one conspiracy and stick to it, guys, cmon now, we can't do ALL the conspiracies in one film/documentary/slideshow of creepy images with loud and uncomfortable noises intertwined with live interviews and abstract recreations intertwined, it would have been better to just pick one focal point of the film and one directing style.

The one thing that really, really, REALLY bothered me about this movie was the background music during the talking parts. I liked it, BUT, it was way too loud, which made me feel like it was a really low-quality budget movie that nobody actually checked the sound levels on. I mean, it was so bad that at times, during the interviews, I couldn't make out what these mush mouthed old men were saying because the background music would reach a crescendo and drown them out!

Gave a 2 rather than a 1 because it did have a little bit of onteresting parts in it, and it did have some good visuals and was a little creepy.
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