The Runner (I) (2015)
Not a good movie.
9 August 2015
Nothing interesting happens in this movie, nothing. It opens with some BP Oil disaster nonsense and the aftermath of what happened to communities etc. with Cage playing a Congressman doing what he can for them. Unfortunately Cage's character is a bit flawed, but this is hardly shown in an interesting way whatsoever, and a later scandal happens its actually hard to understand what the big deal was. The editing is terrible, the story is boring, the plot is poorly executed, not that there is one really as nothing interesting happens at all. The wife is a boring character, in fact, I'd say there are NO interesting characters in this movie whatsoever. Now, I do actually like Cage in certain movies, he can act really maniacal at times which is what we love him for etc. but here any 'actor' could have taken this role and done just as well. This is a slow moving, bore-fest. Even the music is bad. I'd say the direction was spot on, if the tone of this movie was meant to put you to sleep. Give this one a miss.
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