not sure how to judge this one...
10 August 2015
part ecchi, part romance, part existential drama, this show seems enigmatic...but while this may sound appealing to some, overall, it was only OK at best.

Maria is a virgin witch (compared to the other witches, who take human lovers all the time) who despises war and conflict. Living in France during the time of the 100 years war, she sees a lot of war, and every day goes out of her way to break up the battles using her magic. In her spare time, she concocts potions and herbal remedies for the ailing villagers who live nearby. She is a benign witch, but eventually the church has enough of her meddling in war, since they either instigate the war or profit by it, so they plan to deal with her the way humans usually deal with benign creatures, that is to say, harshly.

The characters are all likable enough and the story is interesting, but there just wasn't enough of anything for me. There was action, but not much, same for romance and philosophising about human nature and the nature of war and conflict. There was also plenty of sexual innuendos, yet no overt sexuality or nudity. It all seemed a bit vanilla to me. Having said that, the show wasn't bad, and is worth a watch...if you have the time and nothing better to watch.
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