Review of Sacrament

Sacrament (I) (2014)
Where's all the reviews?
11 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Am I the only person here lucky enough to have seen 'Sacrament?'

Seriously, guys, my fellow movie goers - I can't possibly be the only person here that was blessed by the all mighty lord: Shawn Ewert. The writer/director of this fine addition to the horror genre. 'Sacrament' doesn't only cater to us horror fans, but Shawn manages to offer a little religion for the religious folks out there - toss in some homosexuality, an emo goth... and, well, what would a horror film be without a little Cannibalism, too, right? All the cliché characters are here - all played by, you guessed it, no name actors that scene steal each other by trying to be the worst actor in the film (my vote goes to the guy who played the son of the religious leader.)

So, anyway - 'Sacrament' is about a town full of religious cannibals running short on their food supply, but lucky for them, seven friends ride into town (oh gee, more originality.) A few bad kill scenes, some nice homemade barbecue - that's pretty much it.

Random Ramblings of a Madman: Note to self - If I ever ride into a town full of religious cannibals, pretend to be homosexual - because I guess they don't make for good barbecue.
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