it's great to have Van Damme Back as Main Role and not best movie i have seen but it's a Mixed with Crank, John Wick
13 August 2015
this is one of hell good comeback Van Damme witch is great before last terrible release of movies with van Damme like Alien Uprising, Swelter pointless movies ever made with Van Damme i Mean Enemies closer was good Pound of Flesh is mix Crank and John Wick because like Crank (2006)Jason Statham been poisoned buy gangs he has to run to keep blood pumping, find guys who did it and like John Wick (2014)Keanu Reeves when John Wick dog is been killed then he goes out there killing these bad guys who killed his dog.

Plot: Pound of Flesh (2015) Jean Claude van Damme (Deacon) come to Manila, Philippines to donate his kidney to his dying niece he was black ops agent he was spending his vacation and have found mystery woman getting attacked from and find Goran (Darren Shahlavi) was bushing Ana (Charlotte Peters)you have great fight with Jean Claude and Shahlavi fight each another didn't went for long but with strange picture to movie Deacon went to club with Ana had spending each in bed that night Deacon wakes up at bathtub frozen he kidney is gone big cut on his back someone toke his kidney he needs it back. his brother George(john Ralston)witch is annoying character an annoying Religious/Brother why is he part of movie ? he is just guy i wanna say leave movie your fired. that's good point of saying it to actor. Deacon is looking for his brother George who has daughter with Kidney Problem he needs his brother for what ? i thought Deacon was a Black ops special agent i thought he deal everything on he's own Deacon has person he knows and working with him long time Kung (aki Aleong) Deacon remembers he went to nightclub went back wants answers from Asian Girl saying threat saying i am going to hit you with bible i laughed

Deacon was at club start bushing and kick people in club getting bible start hitting the guys not of them the fights were good one shot single camera no cut to cut scene really reminds me of John Wick but it didn't do the best scene like that movie low budget very low budget.plenty doubles of Jean Claude like i mean like you see him fighting but in background you can't see his face just back of him fighting like double stunt i think lame idea still sucked idea i mean Claude is still fit he doesn't need stunt double why ? i had problems with movie when movie is not even Finished like poor green screen while driving in cars, gunshots were very fake specially background when you see Jean Claude that fake staff on his hair like white staff i can't even explain it well but it's like background of movie while they were in club and driving cars and gun shooting is not even completed. that happens sometimes still good movie but still worth of fun ride very easy story line still not bad as Swelter this is not best Jean Claude movie but i have seen better this. there's not much to say about this movie one of stunts when Deacon does the splits in Timecop, Blood sport, Cyborg this is one of amazing Splits does it while car is moving one of action scenes were low budget very low $7,500,000 but the fights were not too bad one of action scenes were very good but ending was just eh eh i don't want to spoil it i don't think this is one of best Jean Claude movies i have ever seen. but i thought it was better movie then Swelter (2014) trash movie, this is a lot better but with some problems with movie Darren Shahlavi sadly past away 5 August 1972 – 14 January 2015 i like him as great villain sadly past away so soon, he did great job in this movie as villain fighting with van Damme in 3 scenes in movie a lot of gore and pound i have enjoyed it 6.10 expect it's van Damme movie not like Swelter or Alien Uprising trash this is one of main role of Van Damme movie and you see him a lot more kicking ass all the way to end of movie that's it.
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