Mostly a flat brew
15 August 2015
Given that this movie was sponsored by a major Canadian beer brewer, it should come as no surprise that there are plenty of plugs for the brewer's beer throughout. Though I am pretty sure that ultimately the movie was designed to be more of a tax write-off than something that would sell cans of brew, seeing that the movie got a small (and quick) theatrical release with little publicity. Despite that strong possibility, the movie is surprisingly not a cheap quickie. The look and feel of the movie is quite strong, from the expert camera work to the fact that the opening credits are animated. And the people in front of the camera show some charm and talent. It's too bad that the movie is for the most part desperately unfunny. Oh, there are a few gags that made me chuckle a little (it helps if you are Canadian), but the majority of the humor is unbelievably crude, and seems to have been written by people who think that shocking content is automatically funny. (One eyebrow-raising visual might be considered hard core pornography by some sensitive viewers.) The humor that isn't crude is nothing for the most part we haven't seen before, with very familiar situations and characters (the fact that one character resembles Jack Black can't be a coincidence.) Somehow despite all these flaws, the movie never gets boring or tedious, but all the same you'd be better off spending the rental fee for this movie on a sample of the movie sponsor's brew instead.
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