Doctor Who: The Ribos Operation: Part Four (1978)
Season 16, Episode 4
A slightly flat, padded finale.
16 August 2015
Unlike the intros on the previous parts, this one is very short, The Doctor uses his high frequency whistle, which brings out a shrivenzale. The Graff coerces the Seeker to accompany him and his guards in the catacombs to seek out Unstoffe, Garron finds him first after pinching the detector from Romana. The seeker heeds a warning that only one of the Graff's group will survive, but agrees to help and discovers Unstoffe. A bloodbath ensues and they all die, Sholakh, the Seeker and The Doctor tricks the Graff into blowing himself up. Unstoffe and Garron escape, as the Doctor and Romana have claimed the first segment.

The shrivenzale doesn't look too good when it's well lit, it looks exactly what it is sadly a chap in a rubber suit.

There is a little bit of padding in the final part. The Seeker is once again shockingly bad, and clearly hit the sherry too soon.

The Doctor does a kind of non Doctor thing by blowing up the Graff, it doesn't really fit in with Tom's Doctor.

Unstoffe and Garron were a great double act, I would imagine had they been used in Nu Who they would have recurred.

A slightly disappointing final episode, which feels very padded until the last 5 minutes or so, as Tom says '1 down, only 5 more to go.' This episode gets a sluggish 6, whilst overall I'd give The Ribos Operation an 8.
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