A disappointment (but what did I expect?)
16 August 2015
We all know these Hallmark movies (whether mystery or romance or combination thereof) are uneven qualitatively. Some are worse than others, and this one is pretty bad.

I was motivated to watch it for a couple of reasons. First, I am an admirer of Peter Deluise. He directed and/or wrote some of my most favorite Stargate SG1 episodes (I still mourn the loss of SG1). So I figured that some of Peter's directorial brilliance shown in SG1 (I was going to name a few episodes here but really, there are just too many to choose from!) would surely shine through in this movie.

Second, it has Steve Bacic in it. He brilliantly played Camulus, a Goa'uld System Lord in SG1. Those Goa'uld characters are way, way fun. And I was interested in seeing him again.

So, yeah, there's that. Then there's the fact it is the dog days of summer. Too hot to go out. To hot to do anything. So a nice, mindless movie was just the thing.

But this movie is terrible. Granted I've not seen other movies in the series. Not that it matters. I can hit the ground running as well as the next guy, and besides, these tend to not be too intellectually challenging.

But let's get it out in the open -- I don't like Lori Loughlin. She is cold and has an almost cruel look on her face most of the time. I sense no warmth or humanity emanating from her. The story line about her daughter and her daughter's boyfriend just made me roll my eyes. Seriously? You're going to harshly admonish the poor boy for making a mistake at the dinner table? Plus, she plays nasty games of "if you don't know I'm not going to tell you" with her husband. Gak.

In fact all the characters seem highly stereotypical, and frankly uninteresting. The ditzy, goofy friend. The inept police detective. The irritating, clueless daughter (really?! she's a college junior and she's still living at home? KMN!). And, sadly, the annoying and deceptive husband (oh Steve Bacic! What have they done to you?).

The mystery itself was pretty one-dimensional, its outcome foreseeable. They try to shake it up a bit at the end, but even that was predictable (if not judicially disturbing).

I just don't know. Clearly these movies are made for a different segment of the population. I kept thinking about the amazing international mysteries I've seen out of Scandinavia (for example), and there's no comparison. They are better in every way imaginable. This movie was a waste of time to watch. I should have done laundry instead.

I honestly can't think of one positive thing to say about the movie. I didn't give it a 0 out of respect for Deluise and Bacic. I want to pull out my SG1 DVDs.
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