Ladies Who Do (1963)
Funny and clever.
18 August 2015
Peggy Mount stars in this British film. Since she isn't exactly a star and the film was relatively low budget, it's rare for anyone here in the States to get a chance to see it. I found the film on YouTube and am very glad I saw it, as the film was quite funny and very original.

Mount stars as a cleaning lady. One day, by chance, she brings home a slip of paper from an office she'd been cleaning and her renter (Robert Morley) recognizes that the paper is actually inside information about a big financial deal. So, he gambles everything and soon earns a tidy return. But when he approaches his landlady about the idea of her bringing in more papers she finds in the trashcans, the story ends up going places you don't expect-- including his soon employing several cleaning ladies to bring him all the trash from their offices! Soon, they're making a fortune. What's next?

The plot is quite original, there are plenty of cute and funny moments and the film is nice because the acting and writing are spot on target. It also has a strong populist bent--one that pits these simple ladies about capitalist investors. Well worth seeing.
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