Review of Hooked

Hooked (2008)
artsy, pointless
20 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This is absolutely everything that's wrong with the Romanian movie industry: artsy, pretentious BS with no real substance. The story in itself was interesting, but the flat acting, the shaky camera (seriously, why?) and the long shots with little to no action made it a difficult watch. And not difficult as in complex, difficult as in 'so boring, I'm questioning my motivation to go through with this'. Why the long shots, the "nothing happens, check out the grass being blown by the wind for 3 minutes"? If you've got a good story, but it's only enough to fill 20 minutes, make a short film. I like shorts. I'd watch a good short any day. All that filler ain't art. It's just pretentious filler. Here's a spoiler for the ending: nothing happens.
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