Finding Carter (2014–2015)
Carter is a monster!
20 August 2015
So, Carter is kidnapped at the age of 3 by what turns out to be a psychopathic not job! At the age of 16, Carter ends up with her biological family who bend over backwards to make her feel comfortable all the while Carter acts like a huge bitch!

Carter was obviously dragged up by the monster who kidnapped her because Carter defends the kidnapper at the expense of her real mother! Carter has absolutely no compassion or understanding for her real mother and the hell she would have gone through for over a decade!

Carter is a drug using, alcohol drinking cold hearted monster who hasn't got a clue what integrity or honour means! The parents kick a low life out of the house for teaching the younger brother to "roll a joint" but Carter still hangs out with the low life!

It's a sad state of affairs when a kid hasn't got the intelligence to empathise with their real mother after being kidnapped by a psycho! What a horrible story line!!

I will give this show a go but find it a little boring with too much drug use and drinking mixed with one dimensional characters!

I do hope the kidnapping mother dies very soon because I am sick of her already!
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