A great way for conspiracy, math, and philosophy geeks to spend a Friday night
22 August 2015
if anyone is into computer science or mathematics AND into conspiracies AND into good philosophical movies, watch Travelling Salesman Movie, great movie. i know that's a lot of different stuff put together, but it's a great movie, and worth an hour and a half of pondering the implications of mathematics and its role in the world today, as well as the ethical and spiritual implications behind mathematics and working for the government.

aside from more character development (not that the portrayals or writing for them was bad), there wasn't anything about this movie i didn't love. i have a degree in history and religious studies, and this movie definitely sheds a little light into things like the first atomic bombs, chemical weapons, cyber-warfare, and other similar activities where civilians may be called upon to lend their expertise to the government. and besides that, there's just some great tension and one liners throughout.

you won't be disappointed. :)
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