American A-Holes
23 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
F This movie. Literally F it. I can't believe so much effort was put into this..... "HATE" Film. The trailers are extremely misleading and do not be fooled by the trailers because this movie is so bad I had to sit down and think about my life.

Basically some guy is turned into a CIA agent murderer with some CIA BS thrown in and the CIA attacks the town and whatever and he has to save his kind of not really girlfriend and save the day while killing tens of people. I don't know, I don't care.

This movie is so grim in it's cinematography. Everything about this movie is Grey. The camera is Grey, the heart of this movie is Grey, the violence is Grey, the characters are Grey, EVERYTHING IS GREY! What is also the point of the movie being a comedy when THERE IS NO GOD FORSAKEN COMEDY!?

No one laughed, No one, my sister left the movie halfway through and I stayed to watch the end. It is very rewarding, but it doesn't stop this movie for having one of the most hateful, piece of garbage A- Hole characters in a movie ever. I wanted him to die so badly and when he did, I thought of holding a party at my house.

The violence is lame, the acting is deadpan and wooden, the story is a bunch of BS, the writing is horrible, the effects are cheap and lazy, nothing about this movie is redeemable. NONE. I cannot believe they put so much time into making this Hateful piece of trashy excrement. DO NOT WATCH THIS MOVIE! I swear you would be better off seeing Hit-man Agent 47 and that would be better even though it has a 29/100 on Metacritic. Be thankful you didn't pay to see this movie.

28/100 D
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