Star Trek: All Our Yesterdays (1969)
Season 3, Episode 23
The past is another country
25 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
With a star about to go nova Kirk, Spock and McCoy beam down to a moon which is apparently inhabited. They find themselves in a library where they meet Mr. Atoz is surprised to see them; he doesn't realise they are alien but thinks they should have been evacuated already. He tells them the population has been sent to anywhere they wished to go thanks to the use of the 'Atavachron' device. He invites the trio to look at various discs showing the planet's history; as Kirk views one he hears a scream come through a portal. He runs to help and as he steps through the portal he finds himself in a street where a woman is being harassed by men dressed like cavaliers; he helps her and returns to the area of the portal where he calls out to the others. They reply but they aren't in the library anymore; they tried to follow Kirk but as McCoy was looking at a disc which showed the planet's ice age they are in a frozen wasteland.

Kirk soon finds himself arrested and charged with witchcraft because he is talking to disembodied voices while Spock and McCoy struggle to survive in the extreme cold. As McCoy lies freezing a person clad from head to toe in heavy furs approaches them and takes them to a warm cave. Here we learn that this person is Zarabeth; a stunning redhead who isn't wearing much under her furs! While McCoy recovers she tells Spock that she was sent there because of crimes committed by her family, she also explains that it is impossible to travel back as the machines changes people as they go back in time in a way that makes return fatal. Kirk meanwhile learns that because they weren't properly prepared they can return… in fact if they don't they will die! As time passes there are noticeable changes in Spock; he starts showing emotions and falls for the beautiful Zarabeth.

After several distinctly subpar episodes this is a real return to form. The idea of a society that hasn't developed space travel but have developed a means of allowing people to emigrate to the planet's past is both interesting and novel. Ian Wolfe does a fine job as Mr. Atoz and his duplicates… the way are introduced to them was rather fun. Mariette Hartley is also good as the beautiful Zarabeth; her part in the story was enjoyable and a little tragic as there was no way to end her solitary exile in the frozen past when Spock and McCoy finally return. The fact that there was a time limit imposed by the Nova kept the tension higher than if they'd just been dealing with the problems in the past. Overall I'd say this is a really good episode; up there with the best in the series.
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