Review of Timber Queen

Timber Queen (1944)
An Average Film All Around
26 August 2015
After being wounded during an air battle against the Japanese in World War 2, a pilot by the name of "Russell Evans" (Richard Arlen) returns home pending a medical discharge. While there he also intends to pay his respects to the wife of his best friend who died not too long ago. Unfortunately, neither he nor "Elaine Graham" (Mary Beth Hughes) hit it off too well. However, when Russell learns how his business partner, "Harold Talbot" (Charles Anthony Hughes) took advantage of Elaine's monetary situation he immediately attempts to rectify the situation and soon both Russell and Elaine form a partnership of their own to recoup the losses she sustained. But Harold Talbot is not pleased with the situation at all. Now rather than reveal any more of this movie and risk spoiling it for those who haven't seen it I will just say that this was pretty much an average film all around. Although there were no big stars to grace the screen the actors involved performed adequately enough given the mediocre (and at times corny) script to work with. Likewise the rather short running time (66 minutes) probably didn't help either. In any case, while this certainly isn't a bad movie by any means, I don't consider it to be anything out of the ordinary either and as a result I have rated it accordingly. Average.
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