NCIS: Bait (2006)
Season 3, Episode 18
Tony Finally Grows Up
28 August 2015
My wife and I are currently "binge-watching" this series on streaming TV, and have loved watching its development. However, neither one of us can stand Tony.

His constant puerile comments, his predictability, his self-centered attitude are all overdone and boring. There has been nothing to like.

I have seen glimpses of his character show through when the water hits the wheel, but it is always plowed back under by another stupid comment or selfish action. He reminds me of kids I went to high school with, but they all out-grew it.

Friends who love this show have told us to give Tony time, that he will become a better character, and this show seems to back that up. He is given responsibility, and he shines. This is Tony at his best, and he does the job with style.

I hope this continues. I don't mind him being a comic character, but the Tony tonight was making the tough decisions, keeping together under pressure, and making the right calls. His humor was germane to the situation, entertaining, and enjoyable.

Tony has been the only reason I have not completely like this show, but it appears that the writers are going to let him be something more now than a two-dimensional stand-up cardboard character.

This actor has talent, and I am glad they seem to finally be letting him use it.

Oh, and this show was really good, with a satisfying ending.
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