Blown Away (1992 TV Movie)
Not Blown Away
28 August 2015
This generic 90's action film is as little action as you will see, with more educational dialogue and weirdly placed romance scenes. Being a fan of Jeff Bridges, I do have some bias towards him, and to be fair he plays a good part just not a convincing one. It feels like The Fugative cross The Crying Game, but instead of being a well matched up, evenly balanced film, it crumbles in boring as it just feels the same as every big explosion action movie ever made.

Blown Away will not blow you away. Boring, generic and uninteresting, Blown Away just doesn't add anything to the mix of exciting action films from this decade. If it felt more fast paced, more balls to the wall and more finely polished, this film could have come to life a little more, but with the idea at hand, this was never going to be a successful blockbuster hit.
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