Killdozer (1974 TV Movie)
Those old TV-movies on that old TV when I was a kid! :)
28 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this movie as an "ABC Movie Of The Week" back in the 1970s when I was a child...and, I loved it!

Does anyone remember those days before cable and satellite TV; and, VCRs and DVDs? When most of us were lucky if we had five channels (I believe I had seven, and, some were fuzzy at times). When viewers weren't spoiled with the luxury of choosing from a variety of 500 channels to watch movies on...and, childhood obesity (obesity in general) wasn't an issue (you actually had to 'get-up' to change the channel!).

In those days, many movies were made by ABC, CBS, and, NBC, and, had a low budget; but, for us kids, these movies were great!

In the 1970s, it was actually a 'big event' if the movie that night (the 'ONE' movie, usually) was on a clear night and the reception from the 'rabbit-ears,' or, the roof antenna, wasn't effected by rain, snow, and/or wind.

Movies like "Killdozer" were a real treat for us kids as we took nothing for granted; and, most of us kids believed in magic which made these movies even better. We loved to sit in front of the TV with homemade popcorn and a soda and watch 'whatever' scary movie was coming on in hopes of getting a fright.

I remember going to sleep after watching a movie about 'Bigfoot' one Friday night during a sleep-over; and, the next morning my parents told me that my two friends had to be brought home because they were having nightmares. I loved my childhood, and, I loved those old made-for-television horror movies - "Don't Be Afraid of the Dark;" "Salem's Lot;" "Trilogy of Terror;" "Let's Scare Jessica To Death;" "Dracula" (with Jack Palance); and, many others.

As a child of the 1970s, the only thing better than made-for-television movies was THE DRIVE-IN movies! That was AWESOME!

Today, kids are TOO SPOILED with television-variety, so, they don't appreciate, and, miss out on, many great movies with great stories because they're too wound-up on newer movies with CGI-special-effects and nudity...of which, old movies didn't have. They'd rather see innocent teens murdered by a psychotic-freak than see a classic horror flick like H.G. Wells' "Food of the Gods!?!?" When I was a little kid, that movie gave me nightmares of rat-scratching and foot-tapping for a week! That's all I could hear when I climbed into my bed and it was pitch-dark!

"Killdozer" was similar for me. After seeing this movie, I wouldn't go too-close-to any kind of heavy machinery equipment like tractors; dump trucks; back- and front-end loaders; etc...and, of course, bulldozers...for a week. And...this was a problem for a seven-year-old who took many part-time jobs on farms in my town; and, after seeing what happened when the older kid next-door ran over a bullfrog with his dad's lawnmower...the same thing "Killdozer" was doing to people!

Nowadays, these old TV movies are forgotten by most who saw them as children; and, completely unknown to most children who just might like them as we did. However, I believe that the youth of today would consider them weak and passé...and, that's their right; but, someone like me who had limited access to movies, as we all did way-back-when, loves, remembers, and, cherishes, not only these movies, but, the memories that they instilled - such as my friends watching them with me; my Dad telling me to adjust the 'rabbit-ears,' and, when reception was good, him jokingly saying "O.K., stay right there and keep it steady like that!"...and, that old "AMERICAN" B&W television that didn't have a remote and needed to be manually operated by numbered dials. Remember hearing parents tell little kids "Put the VHF dial on 'U' or the UHF dial won't work!" Today, that nice-old-classic television, that I must have seen a million movies and TV shows on, probably wouldn't even be useful as a doorstop or as ballast on a boat!?!?

I give this movie SIX STARS as compared to the horror movies I've seen then and since.
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