Too Cartoony!
28 August 2015
I'm sorry but I just can't get into this show. After seeing all the positive reviews about it, I decided to give it a try. I barely got through an episode! I know it sounds kind of silly but I just can't get past the character designs and the overall look of the show. To me everything and everyone just look silly, childish and so cartoony. I just can't take it seriously. I know it probably has good writing and voice actors and all that, but to me it just looks too childish. Also, why is Spider-Man so skinny. He's seriously the same size as Gwen and MJ! And Venom has tiny legs and Doctor Octopus just looks weird. And what's up with the Green Goblin's chin?

I grew up on the 90s Spider-Man: TAS and to me it just doesn't get any better than that. I know the animation isn't great compared to modern stuff, but I can easily look past that due to the great writing, voice acting and character designs. Anyway, I gave it a shot, but the Spectacular Spider-Man just isn't for me.
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