The Omega Factor: The Undiscovered Country (1979)
Season 1, Episode 1
The beginning of the rather lost Omega Factor is a good one.
4 September 2015
Journalist Tom Crane wakes after having dark nightmares about the terrors of whiteness,he's comforted by wife Julia. Tom is interested in mind control and matters of the occult so meets up with dark character Alfred Oliphant to discuss further. Oliphant tells Tom about Edward Drexil, believed to be a very powerful individual, based in Edinburgh. Tom heads up having been given the run of brother Michael's house. Julia advises Tom to look up her old friend Anne Reynolds. Tom discovers Drexil's bookstore, where he and assistant Morag are based. Tom seeks proof of Drexil's ability, Drexil tells him to arrive the next night. He meets Anne and her boss Roy at a drinks party. Roy reveals how Drexil was seemingly the cause of several accidental deaths. Tom once again meets Drexil, who's refused a demonstration, but after several threats promises fear will soon terrify Tom. Julia tells Tom she's travelling up to Edinburgh to meet him, Tom has been having visions of a missing woman and her whereabouts, and intrigues Anne by his story. Tom, who himself has a gift discovers the dead woman with Anne's help. Tom spies Julia in Roy' car, before her arrival on the train. After dinner Tom drives Anne back to the house but visions appear before him and Tom crashes the car, killing Julia. Anne asks Tom to return to Edinburgh after Julia's funeral. Just as Tom is set to leave Andrew Scott Erskine arrives from Department 7, a government arm set up to look at psychic phenomenon, both Anne and Roy work for Erskine, he informs Tom that Julia worked for him, and that Tom has blanked out childhood memories of high psychic ability. Tom is made aware that Drexil was the cause of Julia's death and agrees to join Department 7.

It is wonderfully 70's, back in the days of smoke filled pubs and rooms. The special effects are a little ropey, but again in keeping with the era. The opening credits are so cool, again wonderfully vintage, but a creepy streak running through them nonetheless, plus an eerie theme tune.

Excellent cast, James Hazeldine is always good value, as is the very good Cyril Luckham, normally cast as a good guy, he makes a cracking villain. The wonderful Louise Jameson had only recently finished her role as Leela in Doctor who.

Very dark and interesting opening episode, if the series is as good as the opener it'll be well worth looking. 8/10
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