Terminator is Terminated
4 September 2015
OK... Considering that it isn't Cameron who did this I added an extra star for the people trying to follow.... Considering that Taylor did this... as I am not a fan of Thor II (though I do love "dark world" as a concept, the film actually su... well I'll let you make your own opinion....) I do take away a star... so I guess I rest truly at 4....

Arnold rocks... he will always rock. Sarah Connor is a rock star (as always) but in this film she has taken too many "Harry Potter" tips, and whines just a bit to much for me... (but that is a personal opinion, and if you agree the fault is the writer not the actress, nor even the director (though I am willing to throw the producers (as I am sure there are many...) under the bus)...)

Kyle... well... he just had no idea what was going to hit him from the beginning (from a writer, actor AND director point of view I think...) and it kinda shows in the editing....

All n all... if you are not expecting an AWESOME movie but just a laid back "terminator sequel thing-a-ma-jiggy..." you have hit the nail on it's head...you won't be disappointed... HOWEVER If you actually waited for an awesome sequel to Terminator... don't watch this... you will be.
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