Review of Turbo Kid

Turbo Kid (2015)
6 September 2015
I think this is the last time i trust IMDb ratings and reviews before viewing something.Its so misleading!!People trashing blockbusters with huge budgets and awesome casts and scripts and yet they praise this huge load of crap and rate it 7.1? HA hA!!!!

So lets actually review the title. We have a female lead character that her dialog and script are pretty much laughable(in the wrong way most of the times) . the post apocalyptic world we get to see is 2 warehouses and i would say 50 people.And the best way to try and live is arm wrestling for no reason ..wear outfits like its halloween and ride around on bicycles!!!!yeah bicycles!!! I don't have a problem with guts and gore , but when done like in this film is again laughable in the wrong way.

I really want to say so much but this title isn't worth my time. I would not suggest this to anyone except to some boys night with a lot of drinking.

the movie is ridiculous . Not worth the time .No acting besides 2 actors.

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